A customer called today with a bore needing urgent bore repairs in Yokine.
They had a four liner old fashioned bore at the side of the property. With a Lowara centrifugal pump installed that would not pump water.
Another contractor had recently been employed to fix the problem. He had cut the old galvanised spear off. Then inserted a 40mm pvc pipe inside and taped up the join with grey gaffa tape. They told the customer that this was the only way to fix the problem. (the pump would run for 20 seconds then suck air).
The only way to fix this problem properly was to perform a rebore. We performed a standard rebore, installing 80mm slotted PVC casing and a new 50mm Brass Alderdice Non Return Valve (NRV).
The customer was up and running at a fraction of the cost to install a new submersible bore. With the job completed in half a day with the customer ready to start watering today.
Aquarian Drilling Perth Water Bores & Pumps specialise in reboring old wells that other contractors say cannot be fixed.(saving you the expense of installing a submersible pump).
Common Urgent bore problems
For all your urgent bore repairs, call Steve on 0417928330